Monday, May 1, 2017

May I have a beer. May 1st sort of, Brooklyn brewery "scorcher IPA"

Ok so I decided to set myself a challenge and the first day I am late with it.
The challenge to write a review of a beer each day in may.
The reasons for the challenge are many fold. First it will hopefully force me to be more productive on the blogging. It will hopefully give you the reader more to examine and do part of what I hoped the Blog will do which is encourage people to try new things in the world of food and drink. Also May is getting warmer and we all need to drink more (yes my wife would say but it doesn't have to be alcohol. I say but it can be).

So on such short notice or at least preparedness, the first thing my hand fell on was the Brooklyn brewery "scorcher IPA".
I am going to do part of the review now and then add an extension or amendment later. The reason for not doing the full review now is I did not chill the beer, so it is at house temperature not I would expect the brewers intended drinking temperature.
The bottle is  standard brown the label has a black background with white writing and yellow and gold accents this complements the golden brew inside. the beer is slightly foggy just enough to add intrigue and to separate it from standard mass produced urine type beers (you know which ones I mean). The head was good but did vanish quickly.  People that have read enough of my beer posts will know I do not like boring beers and that I do like IPA's etc. This was not boring but was a lighter IPA than most of my favourites. I describe SAM Adams rebel  ipa as a good way to ease into IPA's, the same could be said of this enough regular beer taste without  hitting you over the head with the hops. It does still leave you with flavour and not just a wet mouth and a stomach full of gas.
At only 4.5 ABV it could be a good choice for a hot Day in Brooklyn or Texas, Florida or even Ohio.

Ok so it is slightly better chilled though this is not essential to tell it is a good session IPA. So the answer to the question for MAy first  yes you may have a beer infact have another it is a session beer after all.

Now the official word on this session IPA
Brooklyn Scorcher IPA is a surprisingly sessionable IPA. A floral, piney aroma strikes first, followed by a burst of mouthwatering bitterness as the hops begin their attack. Suddenly, a hint of toasty malt and a clean, lively finish burst in to leave you thirsty for more. It’s ludicrously tasty, and at a reasonable 4.5%, it’s a beer you can come back to again and again. Try it with spicy foods, salads, grilled meats, cheddar, feta or just another Scorcher IPA.

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